Adult Acne
Although acne and pimples are generally associated with prepubescent and teenaged populations, adult acne is not uncommon. Most adults, who survived their teenage years with no apparent acne and the lack of ‘bad skin’ that their peers struggled with are often embarrassed to discover that just when they assumed they were free from acne for ever, they have been afflicted by adult acne. Most of them are embarrassed. And also a little confused. Isn’t acne restricted to adolescents, they wonder? But the fact remains that adult acne is more common than you imagined. In fact, it is estimated that nearly 40% of all acne cure products in the United States alone are bought and consumed by adult acne sufferers.
But why does adult acne occur? The reasons are many. But the most commonly attributed reason, that of poor personal hygiene, is a myth. Almost all cases of acne, even adult acne, are a direct result of hormonal imbalances or blocked pores on the skin. Some adult acne could also be caused by infection of the sebaceous glands or faulty closing of the hair ducts on the face. And all acne is curable to a greater or lesser degree. Most adults are so embarrassed by the onset of adult acne that they try the first remedy they can get their hands on at the local pharmacist. But this may actually cause more harm than good. Most over the counter acne remedies are created specifically to deal with acne among younger populations. These medicines and treatments may not have the strength or the capability to deal with adult acne, the causes of which may differ greatly.
And while adult acne is in form and appearance no different from regular acne, it may demand stronger remedies. Whenever one is confronted by adult acne, it would be a good idea to consult a dermatologist. S/he will be able to determine what caused the adult acne in the first place. Once a diagnosis is made, there may be a simple prescription drug that might be able to eradicate the problem forever. But all adults with adult acne must remember that it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Like I said earlier, adult acne is more common than normally imagined. And wouldn’t it be better to go for one visit to the dermatologist to get rid of the problem than to spend a fortune at the local drugstore trying to find a diagnosis and a cure? Not to mention the worry and fear that inevitably accompanies the late onset of acne.
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