Acne Tips

A clear complexion is a sign of good health and it is associated with our idea of beauty. Clear skin is not always easy to maintain.

Sometimes, we find pimples and blemishes appearing seemingly out of nowhere and this can be very aggravating, especially for those of us who follow a strict regimen of proper diet and skincare. Following are some acne tips that can increase your chances of improving your complexion.

The first among the acne tips is to maintain a healthy diet that includes a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.  I’m sure you have heard this before, but this tip is usually associated with weight loss.  However, your skin is the most vulnerable of the organs in the human body when it comes to diet.

Your skin receives nutrients after the rest of the organs have had their share. It is important to make sure that you take in enough nutrients to supply your skin with the elements necessary for a healthy glow. It may be no surprise that diet is on the top of the list of acne tips because your skin suffers greatly when your diet is inadequate.

One of the common acne-causing beverages found in just about any adult diet is caffeine. Reducing your caffeine intake will increase your chances of having an acne-free face. This tip may be a source of stress for some coffee lovers but it is closely related to the next one; reducing stress.  These two acne tips are significantly linked because both stress and caffeine produce cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that wreaks havoc on the skin if the body has more of it than it can handle.

Another of the acne tips that relate to diet involves fatty acids. Your body uses fatty acids to produce linoleic acid, a valuable nutrient for your skin. Many believe that acne occurs when you have a linoleic deficiency. The association between fatty acids and clear skin is not etched in stone, but it is a good strategy to add to the acne tips, especially when you have tried everything else.

Most of the acne tips revolve around diet, but there are a few things you can do to lessen the occurrence of breakouts. Make sure that any towel that touches your face is bacteria-free. Using a new towel each time you wash your face is ideal. Also, changing your pillowcase every other night will benefit your complexion. Remember that sweatbands, hats and other things that you wear on your head can carry bacteria. Keeping these items clean is a reasonable addition to the acne tips.

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